texas Law Schools

There are 9 law schools in Texas. Below are the admissions statistics for each of Texas's law schools.

School Name US News Ranking AcceptanceAccept. Rate Med.LSAT Med.GPA LSN ApplicationsAppl.
University of Texas Austin 16 22% 167 3.73 9799
Southern Methodist University 52 42% 161 3.63 3285
Texas A&M University School of Law 53 20% 156 3.38 1757
Baylor University 58 30% 160 3.53 3508
University of Houston 60 39% 159 3.54 3521
Texas Tech University 102 55% 154 3.39 1523
St. Mary's University 147 61% 151 3.03 1097
South Texas College of Law 147 64% 150 3.1 1542
Texas Southern University 147 56% 143 3.11 847