Most Competitive Law Schools

School Name Accep. Rate Med.LSAT Med.GPA LSN ApplicationsAppl.
John Marshall Law School - Chicago 74% 147 3.08 1754
Charleston School of Law 74% 146 2.89 921
Phoenix School of Law 74% 143 2.88 500
Drake University 75% 151 3.27 731
Capital University 76% 149 3.17 651
Loyola University New Orleans 77% 151 3.15 1268
Marquette University 78% 152 3.19 1793
University of Wyoming 78% 151 3.22 427
Southern Illinois University Carbondale 79% 149 2.96 429
Creighton University 80% 152 3.25 864
New England School of Law 81% 147 3.14 1761
Roger Williams University 81% 148 3.13 864
Pontifical Catholic University 81% 133 0.0 8
Northern Kentucky University 83% 149 3.19 446
Thomas Jefferson School of Law 83% 144 2.74 1211
Mississippi College 86% 146 2.98 695
Thomas M Cooley Law School 88% 141 2.85 1582