Largest Law Schools

School Name Matriculated AcceptanceAccept. Rate Med.LSAT Med.GPA LSN ApplicationsAppl.
Georgetown University 576 25% 167 3.76 20699
Harvard University 562 18% 173 3.86 14435
George Washington University 471 40% 165 3.71 14547
Thomas M Cooley Law School 448 88% 141 2.85 1582
New York University 426 34% 169 3.78 16035
American University 421 60% 155 3.29 9380
Brooklyn Law School 394 52% 155 3.36 5162
Columbia University 388 22% 171 3.7 16584
Fordham University 373 36% 163 3.53 9414
Rutgers Law School 355 49% 155 3.28 755
Suffolk University 334 70% 150 3.23 2173
John Marshall Law School - Chicago 334 74% 147 3.08 1755
Florida Coastal School of Law 320 72% 144 2.88 2265
William Mitchell College of Law 320 59% 152 3.25 699
Southwestern University School of Law 314 60% 152 3.17 2053
University of Florida 310 62% 157 3.5 4033
Charlotte School of Law 309 66% 142 2.82 1013
South Texas College of Law 307 64% 150 3.1 1547
University of Miami 306 55% 157 3.36 5330
New York Law School 305 55% 152 3.24 3276