Largest Law Faculty Schools

School Name Best Student-to-Faculty Ratio SFR AcceptanceAccept. Rate Med.LSAT Med.GPA LSN ApplicationsAppl.
University of Alabama 10.3 37% 163 3.76 2818
University of Cincinnati 10.3 59% 155 3.59 1497
University of Arizona 10.3 33% 160 3.51 2556
University of Kansas 10.3 66% 156 3.42 883
Washington University in St Louis 10.4 28% 167 3.67 9082
Washington and Lee University 10.5 49% 160 3.41 6375
University of New Mexico 10.5 42% 154 3.47 718
Willamette University 10.5 67% 153 3.15 994
University of Minnesota Twin Cities 10.7 45% 164 3.79 5350
University of Pennsylvania 10.8 19% 169 3.89 14198
Appalachian School of Law 11.0 41% 146 3.17 716
Syracuse University 11.0 55% 154 3.33 2432
St. Louis University 11.0 65% 155 3.44 1583
Chicago-Kent College of Law (IIT) 11.1 62% 156 3.36 3483
University of Denver 11.2 46% 157 3.43 3111
University of Hawaii 11.3 37% 154 3.27 635
Georgia State University 11.3 28% 158 3.4 2260
Ohio State University 11.4 50% 159 3.61 3246
Chapman University 11.4 48% 156 3.33 1930
University of Texas Austin 11.4 22% 167 3.73 9795