Browse law schools by A-Z

School Name US News Ranking Acceptance Accept. Rate Med.LSAT Med.GPA LSN Applications Appl.
Washington University in St Louis 16 28% 167 3.67 9088
Washington and Lee University 35 49% 160 3.41 6375
Whittier Law School 38 63% 148 2.85 872
Wake Forest University 41 56% 161 3.6 4372
Wayne State University 72 53% 157 3.42 803
Washburn University 109 59% 152 3.28 509
West Virginia University 116 53% 153 3.35 739
Widener University 147 64% 149 3.09 1589
Western New England College School of Law 147 70% 147 3.1 837
Willamette University 147 67% 153 3.15 994
Western State University 147 63% 148 3.07 577
William Mitchell College of Law Unranked 59% 152 3.25 699